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Nomination as Chair at AHFE International 2022

Updated: Dec 6, 2021

After 5 years of collaboration with the International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and thousands of hours spent in doing research, creating new tools and methods to improve the design of inclusive products, interfaces, and environments I’m glad to share my recent nomination as chair of the track HFAAT.

HFAAT stands for Human Factors in Accessibility and Assistive Technology and is the new track that promotes the interaction between industry and academia by exchanging theories and practices on accessibility and assistive technology. Assistive technology can empower humans to live a fulfilled life, interacting with each other, and feel satisfied by accessing products, services, and environments.

This conference track addresses a wide spectrum of theoretical and practical topics related to accessibility and assistive technology. It provides an inspiring forum to enable researchers, entrepreneurs, and innovators to share business experiences and scientific research findings while examining the new frontiers of technology, their access, acceptance, effectiveness, and efficiency for all humans.

I’m looking forward to promoting our core values devoted to guaranteeing people-centeredness, inclusiveness, interdisciplinarity, and participation from industry and academia.

If you’re curious about it, check the link and get on board!

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